Socio-Emotional Needs
The greatest and probably the most severe side-effect of old age for those elders living in an old home away from their loved ones becomes isolation from society or loneliness. Living in a completely separate place, marked from them away from the normal worldliness of their routine lives from earlier, inculcates in them a feeling of being left out and unloved by their friends, families and society as a whole. This often leads to them leading miserable lives in a sought of unnamed zone, which affects their self-esteem and happiness in an adverse manner. This is a big issue these days as dearth of time for our own loved ones in this fast-paced era is a vital concern that has not really been resolved thus far.
Vridh Care duly acknowledges this problem and has developed some functional programs to deal with it gradually and without overwhelming them all of sudden. We organize a lot of group activities centered around keeping the senior people busy and cheerful and our periodic visits help to bring more normalcy in their lives and overall environment. We involve them varied things and also get our partners to teach them some interesting skills so as to be able to keep busy and happy. From celebrating festivals to birthdays etc., we make them feel valued and loved and endeavor to revive their sense of belonging in the society.